submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the international technical committee
members or reviewers.
The accepted and registered papers will be published in the FGIP 2023 SPIE Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, and CPCI (Web of Science).
Journal of Image and Graphics (JOIG, ISSN: 2301-3699), which will be included in Scopus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, Crossref, IndexCopernicus, etc.
Presentation Only-For those who wants to do presentation only without paper publication, they can submit abstract for reviewing of presentation.
Publication Ethics - Penalty against Plagiarism
We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated.
1. The submissions should contain original, high quality, not submitted or
published elsewhere work.
2. Manuscripts must be written in English.
3. Papers should be submitted electronically in pdf format according to the paper template. The papers published in conference proceeding should be 8-10 pages including all figures, tables, and references. The papers published in journal should be 5-8 pages including all figures, tables, and references.
4. Additional pages will be charged (40USD/280CNY per page).
5. The conference specialist will assign a Paper ID for the submitted papers within 2 working days after the submission, and the papers will be assigned to the technical committee or reviewers for reviewing. The review results will be told before or on the notification date.
Full paper should be prepared according to the following template:
Proceedings Template
JOIG Template
For those who want to do presentation only without paper publication, abstract template should be prepared according to the following template: